BelISA    Editions    Information and analytical publications of the SCST
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Information and analytical publications of the SCST

Information and analytical publications of the SCST

Science in Belarus — state and development prospects


Results of the implementation of state scientific and technical programs in 2016–2020


International analytical review "Digital information and communication and interdisciplinary technologies and production based on them"

The analytical review was carried out as part of the Action Plan for the publication of scientific, technical and scientific-methodical literature of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, approved by order of the State Committee for Science and Technology dated March 6, 2020. No. 70.




Analytical report on the state and prospects for the development of science in the Republic of Belarus following the results of 2020

The report was prepared on the basis of materials from the republican government bodies, other state organizations subordinate to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, other scientific organizations, manufacturing enterprises, financial institutions, etc. The report summarizes extensive information on the state of the scientific and technical sphere and innovation in the Republic of Belarus in 2020, reflects the effectiveness of research and development, shows the problems and prospects for the development of Belarusian science.

State program of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020

The State Program for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 is the main document that ensures the implementation of the main directions of the state innovation policy.
This publication is aimed at informing the leaders and specialists of the country's government bodies, research institutions, research and production organizations and enterprises, infrastructure entities engaged in scientific, technical and innovative activities.
The source of information is “The National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus. Reference data bank of legal information of the Republic of Belarus”.

State Program for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2021–2025

The State Program for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2021-2025 is the main document that ensures the implementation of the main directions of the state innovation policy.

This publication is aimed at informing the leaders and specialists of the country's government bodies, research institutions, research and production organizations and enterprises, infrastructure entities engaged in scientific, technical and innovative activities.


The source of information is the National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, Reference Databank of Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus.

Results of the State Program for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016–2020

The proposed publication summarizes the results of the State Program for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016–2020, developed on the basis of legislative norms and strategic documents of the Republic of Belarus and aimed at implementing the priorities of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus in the field of effective investments, the formation and accelerated development of high-tech sectors national economy, ensuring the most important areas of state innovation policy, priority areas of scientific, scientific, technical and innovation activities and further development of the National Innovation System.

Concept of the State Program for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2021-2025

This publication is a draft Concept of the State Program for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2021–2025, developed on the basis of legislative norms and strategic documents of the Republic of Belarus. The concept is aimed at implementing the priorities of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus for 2021–2025. in the field of effective investments, the formation and accelerated development of high-tech sectors of the national economy, ensuring the most important areas of state innovation policy, priority areas of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities for 2021–2025. and further development of the National Innovation System.

The main results of the implementation of scientific and technical programs in 2016-2018

In 2016–2018 in terms of research, development and technological work (R&D), including tasks with stages of production preparation, about 800 tasks were performed within the framework of scientific and technical programs (STP), including the completion of work in terms of R&D on 424 tasks of STP .



Commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific and technical activities

Every year, the Republic of Belarus allocates budgetary funds to finance research, development and experimental-technological work, the results of which in the acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus are usually called the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities (results of scientific and technical documentation).

Belarusian Innovation Fund

State scientific and technical expertise in the Republic of Belarus

State scientific and technical expertise in the Republic of Belarus

The publication considers the procedure for organizing and conducting state scientific and technical expertise in the Republic of Belarus. In addition, the implementation of state scientific and technical programs and individual projects that are carried out on the basis of the results of state expertise, objects of state expertise in Belarus and the procedure for paying remuneration to experts and members of expert councils are considered.
The publication is intended for specialists from state and scientific institutions, as well as public organizations of scientists, including foreign ones.






Legal regulation of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities in the Republic of Belarus

Legal regulation of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities in the Republic of Belarus


The publication is intended to provide information on regulatory legal acts regulating scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities in the Republic of Belarus, specialists of government bodies, scientific organizations and the scientific community.


Legal regulation of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities in the Republic of Belarus / ed. A. G. Shumilina. — Minsk: GU "BelISA", 2017 — 146 p. (6.2 MB)

Legal regulation of state registration of NIOK(T)R


The proposed reference publication contains a list and texts of normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus regulating the procedure for state registration of research, development and development works. The texts of legal acts are presented in their current version.

The publication is addressed to specialists performing research, development and development work, members of state and departmental expert councils, experts and specialists of government bodies, as well as all interested persons working in the field of innovation, science and technology.



Collection of materials of the Days of Belarusian Science in Moscow, 2017

Days of Belarusian Science in Moscow






Legal support of scientific and technical activities in the Republic of Belarus

Legal support of scientific and technical activities in the Republic of Belarus in terms of state regulation of scientific and technical programs (state, state complex targeted scientific and technical programs, sectoral, regional)


Reference publication "Legal support of scientific and technical activities in the Republic of Belarus in terms of state regulation (on the subject of scientific and technical programs (state, state complex targeted scientific and technical programs, sectoral, regional); as well as sections of scientific support of state, regional and sectoral, programs)" is intended for specialists of government bodies, government customers of scientific and technical programs at all levels, parent organizations, scientists and developers of scientific and technical products.

The purpose of preparing this publication is to provide a unified approach to the development and implementation of state scientific and technical programs. The reference publication is based on the provisions of the normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, which ensure the regulation of the development and implementation of state scientific and technical programs.

Comparative analysis of legal support

Comparative analysis of the legal support for the functioning of the state scientific and state scientific and technical expertise in Belarus and the CIS countries, features of the expertise in foreign countries


The proposed methodological publication provides a comparative analysis of the legal support for the functioning of state scientific and state scientific and technical expertise in Belarus and the CIS countries, and also outlines the features of conducting expertise in foreign countries.

The publication is addressed to specialists and scientists performing research, development and development work, members of state expert councils, experts and specialists of government bodies.


A brief report on the state and prospects for the development of science in the Republic of Belarus?  2014


Brief report on the state and prospects for the development of science in the Republic of Belarus

The report is a short version of the annual report to the President of the Republic of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. Summarizes information about the development of the scientific and technical sphere, focuses on the priorities of innovation policy, reflects the results of the implementation of state, scientific and technical programs and projects, development of scientific and technological achievements in production.

The report formulates conclusions and proposals for further improvement of scientific and technological policy, development of scientific, technical and innovative activities, taking into account the most progressive trends in domestic and foreign science.

In Belarusian, Russian, English, German and Spanish.

Legal support for the functioning of a unified system of state scientific and state scientific and technical expertise

The proposed methodological publication is based on the provisions of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, which ensure the regulation of the issues of legal support for the functioning of a unified system of state scientific and state scientific and technical expertise.

The publication is addressed to specialists performing research, development and development work, members of state expert councils, experts and specialists of government bodies.

Legal support of state scientific and technical programs, 2014. Belarus

Legal support of state scientific and technical programs

The proposed methodological publication is based on the provisions of the normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, which regulate the development and implementation of state scientific and technical programs. It is intended to provide a unified approach to the development and implementation of state scientific and technical programs.
The publication is addressed to specialists who carry out research, development and development work, culminating in the creation of a new or improved technology, types of commercial products or services, and related to the implementation of tasks of state scientific and technical programs.

Legal support for areas of scientific, technical and innovative activities, 2012. Belarus

Legal support for areas of scientific, technical and innovation activities

The methodological manual contributes to the legal and information support of innovation activities in the country, coordination of the work of republican government bodies on the legal regulation of scientific, technical and innovation activities.

It is intended for specialists of government bodies and various departments engaged in scientific, scientific and technical, scientific information and innovation activities, in regulating issues in all areas of scientific, technical and innovative activities, as well as private entrepreneurs, managers of small and medium-sized businesses and investors working in scientific, technical and innovation areas, to increase business activity in the country.

The publication was prepared based on the materials of scientific research conducted by the Department of Scientific and Legal Support of Scientific, Technical and Innovative Activities of the State Institution "Belarusian Institute for System Analysis and Information Support of the Scientific and Technical Sphere" in 2011–2012.

Collection of methodological materials on the implementation of innovative activities and the implementation of innovative programs

Collection of methodological materials on the implementation of innovative activities and the implementation of innovative programs

The collection contains methodological recommendations for the implementation of innovation activities in the Republic of Belarus, as well as generalized information on the main terms and definitions used in the scientific, scientific, technical and innovation spheres. The publication is intended for specialists of government bodies, domestic and foreign scientists, as well as developers of scientific and technical products.

Scientific and methodological manual

Scientific and methodological manual "Innovative activity and venture business"

The publication is devoted to the analysis of the practice of venture business in the innovation sphere, including such issues as the forms and methods of innovation and venture business, the world experience in the development of the innovation venture system, as well as the features of its formation in Belarus.

It is addressed to a wide range of specialists who are interested in the problems of developing an innovative venture system — scientific, engineering, production, administrative, financial workers, as well as teachers, undergraduates, university students and graduate students.

Scientific publication "Belarus is a country for innovation and investment"

Scientific publication "From idea to application: five steps towards the Horizon"

This publication was developed on behalf of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and is the second revised and supplemented edition of the recommendations issued in the spring of 2014. It takes into account the first practical experience of working in the program obtained during participation in the 2014–2015 competitions. The publication was carried out within the framework and with the support of the EU project "Network for international cooperation in the field of science, technology and innovation with the countries of the Eastern Partnership", contract No. 609528 dated 08.08.2013.

The publication is intended for research teams and individual novice participants in international scientific and technical cooperation, including young scientists and graduate students working in scientific organizations, universities and innovative companies of the Republic of Belarus, as well as for Russian-speaking researchers from Eastern European countries that are not part of the European Union. union. It contains practical recommendations for the first, most important steps for newcomers to work with the Horizon 2020 program: from obtaining information about its existence, searching for partners and your niche, to submitting an application.

Scientific publication

Scientific publication “Belarusian scientific diaspora: a step towards


The publication is dedicated to the possibilities of cooperation with the Belarusian scientific diaspora. It contains some ideas about how this cooperation could develop in the future — they are based on foreign experience and some successful examples of interaction with the diaspora available in Belarus.

The publication is one of the results of the project “Analysis of opportunities and development of a set of measures and mechanisms for the development of international scientific, technical and innovative cooperation with the participation of scientists from Belarus working abroad”, carried out with the support of the SCST in 2011–2012. Belarusian Institute for System Analysis and Information Support of the Scientific and Technical Sphere.

In Russian and English.

Reference publication "Belarus in numbers"


Booklet "Belarus: Science, Technology, Innovation"

Statistical compendium

Statistical compendium "Science, innovations and technologies in the Republic of Belarus"

The collection was developed on the instructions of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and is a specialized publication that presents statistical data on the state and development of scientific potential and innovation activity in the country, based on modern methodological approaches to science and innovation statistics and meeting the requirements of international statistical standards.

Press Bulletin

Press Bulletin "Science and Technology News"


print version 

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Last updates: 19.08.2024
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