UDC 001.894.2(084)(476)
BBK 72ya6(4Bei)
Science and knowledge to the economy! — Minsk: GU "BelISA", 2017. — 192 p.
ISBN 978-985-7113-11-8
UDC 62.001.895(476)(035)
BBK 72.4(4Bel)ya2
Subjects of the innovation infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus / ed. A.G. Shumilin. — Minsk: GU "BelISA", 2018. — 98 p.
ISBN 978-985-7113-16-3
The publication contains a list of subjects of the innovation infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus: technology parks and their residents, as well as technology transfer centers
UDC 001.895.(476)
BBK 72.4(2)
T 38
Technoparks and their residents / ed. A. G. Shumilina. — Minsk: GU "BelISA", 2014. — 76 p.
ISBN 978-985-6874-64-5
The publication contains a list of scientific and technological parks of the Republic of Belarus and their residents. The booklet provides basic information about their creation, goals and activities.
UDC 334.012.64:001.895(085)(476)
BBK 65.292s(4Bei)
K 29
Catalog of small innovative enterprises of the Republic of Belarus / ed. A.G. Shumilin. — Minsk: GU "BelISA", 2013. — 244 p.
ISBN 978-985-6874-48-5
The catalog contains information collected from enterprises that reported in the form 1-nt (innovation) "Report on the innovative activity of the organization", approved by the National Statistical Committee of December 20, 2010 No. 270. For the most part, these are enterprises of the state or with a share of the state form property. Taking into account the state's interest in the innovative growth of such enterprises, the catalog also includes some medium-sized enterprises that showed the most innovative activity during the reporting period.
UDC 001.895(476)
BBK 72
K 29
Catalog of innovative projects and developments. Issue. 4. / ed. A. G. Shumilina, A. A. Silchenko. — Minsk: GU "BelISA", 2015. — 172 p.
ISBN 978-985-6874-88-1
The catalog has been prepared on the basis of materials provided by organizations implementing state scientific and technical programs and innovative projects completed in 2014 and the first half of 2015.
UDC 001.894.2:658.62(085)
BBK 30.609
K 29
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 11 / Ed. A.G. Shumilin. — Minsk: GU "BelISA", 2018. — 344 p.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-7113-20-0
This publication presents high-tech products manufactured in the Republic of Belarus. The methodology developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has been used in preparing this catalogue.
The catalog has been prepared on the basis of information provided by the republican government bodies and their subordinate enterprises, which are most focused on the export of high-tech goods.
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. 2020-2021
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 12. Minsk, 2019 (61.4 Mb)
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 11. Minsk, 2018 (44.0 Mb)
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 10. Minsk, 2017 (48.0 Mb)
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 9. Minsk, 2016 (31.5 Mb)
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 8. Minsk, 2015 (8 Mb)
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 7. Minsk, 2014 (4.5 Mb)
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 6. Minsk, 2013 (5.4 Mb)
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 5. Minsk, 2012 (3.9 Mb)
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 4. Minsk, 2011 (2.9 Mb)
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 3. Minsk, 2010 (6.7 Mb)
Catalog of high-tech goods of the Republic of Belarus. Issue 2. Minsk, 2008 (2.8 Mb)
UDC 061.61 (035) (476)
LBC 72.4 (2) (4Bei)
K 29
Catalog of organizations of the Republic of Belarus, performing scientific research and development / ed. P. I. Baltrukovich. — Minsk: GU "BelISA", 2013. — 396 p.
ISBN 978-985-6874-52-2
The catalog of organizations of the Republic of Belarus that carry out scientific research and development contains systematized information on the directions of scientific and scientific and technical activities of organizations of the Republic of Belarus that carry out scientific research and development in order to promote the development of scientific and economic relations in the republic and abroad.
The catalog is intended for specialists in the field of public administration, ministries, departments, as well as for domestic and foreign scientists, entrepreneurs and foreign economic partners.
The catalog is the next, revised and supplemented edition. The catalog is based on a list of organizations of the Republic of Belarus that submitted state statistical reports in the form No. 1-nt (science) at the end of 2011.
UDC 681.2 (085) (476)
BBK 34.9ya87 (4Bei)
K 29
Catalog of scientific equipment and instruments in organizations engaged in research and development. Ed. 2 / Ed. Dr. tech. Sciences I.V. Voitov. — Minsk: GU "BelISA", 2012. — 72 p.
The catalog is the result of monitoring and analysis of the state of the material and technical base and the availability of analytical equipment in the scientific and technical sphere.
The publication presents systematized up-to-date information on the current state of the instrumentation fleet of scientific institutions and the most promising trends in the development of the collective use of unique scientific equipment, available for general use.
The catalog is intended for employees of organizations engaged in scientific, scientific, technical and innovative fields of activity, as well as republican government bodies.
UDC 061.61:68.2.004 (035)
BBK 34.9
C 74
Directory of centers for collective use of unique scientific equipment and instruments. 7th issue / ed. A.G. Shumilin. — Minsk: GU "BelISA", 2017. — 234 p.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-7113-09-05
The directory contains basic information about the centers for collective use of unique scientific equipment and instruments: addresses and contact numbers, main areas of research and measurements, a list of equipment and its technical characteristics.
The reference book is intended for heads of scientific organizations and industrial enterprises, a wide range of researchers and engineers and technicians of research and industrial laboratories.
Youth Innovation Forum "INTRI" — 2010. Catalog of innovative developments / Ed. Dr. tech. Sciences I.V. Voitov. — GU "BelISA". — Minsk, 2010.