Author guidelines
The journal "News of Science and Technology" publishes scientific and problematic articles on the development of science and technology in the Republic of Belarus and other countries, dedicated to the promotion of promising areas of science and technology, production, innovation, international cooperation, economics and management of the national economy. The journal is published quarterly.
In accordance with the order of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus dated January 5, 2023 No. 2 , the journal is included in the List of scientific publications of the Republic of Belarus for publishing the results of dissertation research in economic and technical (mechanical engineering and machine science; instrument making, metrology and information-measuring systems) sciences .
The journal is included in the scientometric database — Russian Science Citation Index ( RSCI ). Electronic versions of articles published in the journal are placed in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU .
The editorial staff of the journal invites scientists and specialists as authors of journal articles and asks that the following rules be followed when submitting materials.
1. The manuscript of the article (hereinafter referred to as the article, work) in Russian, or Belarusian, or English is submitted to the editors on paper (A4 format) in two copies, numbered and signed by all authors.
2. To the article on the results of work performed in the organization, attach: a petition (covering letter) of the organization for the publication of the article; conclusion (examination report) on the absence of information constituting a state secret in the work; review (for scientific articles). Works published in other publications or sent to other publications cannot be sent to the editorial office.
3. The electronic version of the article in *.doc, *.docx document formats and metadata of the work are submitted on electronic media or by e-mail with an attachment to the e-mail boxes and . The names of the files attached to the letter must include the names of the authors.
4. A license agreement and an act of acceptance and transfer of the work , drawn up and signed by each author, are submitted to the editorial office on paper. Authors who previously entered into an agreement with the journal provide only an act of acceptance and transfer of the work .
5. The main text of the article is typed in Times font, character size 12 pt, single spacing, paragraph indentation 1 cm, margins: left — 3, right — 1, top — 2, bottom — 2 cm, in Word text editors under Windows, for formulas — in the Word formula editor.
6. Manuscripts of articles should include the following elements :
– UDC index (;
— the title of the article in Russian and English ;
– information about the authors (for each of the authors) in Russian and English: last name, first name, patronymic; position, academic degree, academic title; name of the organization in which he works (studies), city, country;
– annotation (summary) (up to 250 printed characters) to the article in Russian and English ;
– key words or phrases (up to 15) in Russian and English (key words or phrases are separated from each other by a comma);
– full text of the article;
– bibliographic list of references (only in the original language).
7. The volume of the article should not exceed 10 pages (including tables, illustrations (no more than 5) and a list of references). Short messages up to three pages are accepted. The volume of a scientific article, considered as a publication on the topic of the dissertation, must be at least 0.35 of the author's sheet (14,000 printed characters with spaces).
8. All illustrative material (except for MS Excel, MS Graph diagrams) is provided in the best quality as separate files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, containing the figure number with an extension indicating the format of the file used (*1.TIF, *2.JPEG etc.) and/or in the form of printed photographs. Each figure must have a title that is placed under the figure. If there is more than one figure in the text, then they are numbered with Arabic numerals (for example: “Fig. 1. Name ...”). The number is placed before the title. Tables are inserted into the text, they must have the title and headings of all columns.
9. The main font is typed: Greek and Russian letters; mathematical symbols (sin, lg); symbols of chemical elements (C, Cl, CHCl 3); numerals (Roman and Arabic); vectors, indices (upper and lower), which are abbreviations of words. Latin letters are typed in italics: variables, symbols of physical quantities (including in the index). Vectors are typed in bold type (arrows are not placed on top), as well as words and numbers that need to be highlighted. Formulas with fractions, signs of sums, integrals, superscripts and subscripts are typed in the MathType formula editor. Separate letters in the text (a, b, d, j, l, m, r, etc.), signs and symbols (£, ±, ´, ¹, ¥, ®, °, Ï, etc.) are typed without using formula editor: they are inserted from the Insert/Symbol menu. If the length of the formula exceeds the length of the line, then this formula should be broken into several lines in accordance with the rules for transferring mathematical formulas.
10. The dimensions of all quantities used in the text must comply with the International System of Units (SI).
11. Literature is given in a general list at the end of the article. References to the literature in the text go in order and are indicated by a number in square brackets (for example: [1], [2]). The list of literature is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003. Literature in English is typed according to the same rules as Russian-language literature. Links to unpublished works are not allowed.
12. Illustrations, formulas, equations and footnotes found in the article are numbered in accordance with the citation order in the text.
13. Submitting the text of the article for publication in the journal, the authors guarantee the correctness of all information about themselves, the absence of plagiarism and other forms of illegal borrowing in the submitted manuscript of the article, the proper design of all borrowings of the text, tables, diagrams, illustrations.
14. Materials and manuscripts of articles submitted to the editorial office in violation of the requirements of these Rules are not reviewed by the editors and are not considered for publication. Manuscripts will not be returned to the author.
15. The originals of the author's manuscripts are kept in the editorial office for a year, reviews — for three years.
16. Reviewing scientific materialscarried out through external and internal peer review. In case of third-party review, the authors attach to the manuscript of the article an external review of a doctor or candidate of science, certified in the prescribed manner, while the editors reserve the right to conduct additional internal review. Internal review is carried out by members of the editorial board of the relevant scientific profile with a doctorate or candidate of science degree, appointed by the editorial board, editorial board or editor-in-chief. The main criterion for the expediency of publication is the novelty and informativeness of the article. If there is a negative review, the article is returned to the author for revision, taking into account the comments of the reviewer. Articles revised by the authors are re-sent for review. In the case of a repeated negative review, the article is removed from further consideration by the editorial board. The date of receipt of the article is the day the editors receive the final version of the article. In case of refusal to publish the submitted materials, the editors do not give a written opinion on the reasons for such a decision, do not acquaint the author with the results of the review and do not return the received materials.
17. The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes that do not distort the main content of the article.
The section was prepared based on the materials of the publishing house of scientific and medical literature Elsevier, as well as the materials of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
18. Ethics of scientific publications
18.1. All articles submitted for publication in the journal Science and Technology News are peer-reviewed for originality, ethics and relevance. Compliance with the standards of ethical behavior is important for all parties involved in the publication: authors, journal editors, reviewers, publisher.
18.2. The author of a material submitted for publication should not publish papers that describe essentially the same research more than once or in more than one journal.
Submitting a manuscript to more than one journal at the same time means unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
18.3. Authorship should be limited to those individuals who have made a measurable contribution to the concept, design, execution, or interpretation of the claimed work. All those who have made tangible contributions should be added to the list of co-authors.
18.4. The author must ensure that the list of authors contains only real authors and does not include those who are not related to this work, and that all co-authors have read and approved the final version of the article and have given their consent to its publication.
18.5. The editorial board of the peer-reviewed journal Science and Technology News is responsible for deciding which articles will be published in the journal. The decision is made on the basis of the reviews submitted for the article. The editor may consult with other editors to make decisions.
18.6. The editorial board of the journal "News of Science and Technology", when considering an article, on the basis of the recommendation of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus, can check the material using the "Antiplagiarism" system.
18.7. Unpublished materials contained in the submitted article should not be used in the scientific editor's and reviewers' own research without the express written permission of the author.
18.8. Reviewers should identify published work that has not been cited by the author. Any claim that an observation, origin, or argument has been previously reported must be accompanied by an appropriate citation. The reviewer should also bring to the attention of the editors any significant similarity or overlap between the manuscript that is being reviewed and another already published work that is familiar to him.
18.9. Private information or ideas generated during the review process must remain confidential and may not be used for personal gain. The reviewer should not consider the manuscript if there is a conflict of interest as a result of its competitive, partnership or other relationship or ties with any of the authors, companies or organizations associated with the publication material.
18.10. Reviewers or any of the editorial staff should not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers and the publisher, as it is confidential.
Submissions to the editor should be sent to:
Pobediteley Ave., 7, 220004, Minsk
GU "BelISA" (magazine "News of science and technology")
Tel.: (+375 17) 203 41 23, 306 09 46