Scientific and practical journal "News of science and technologies" 1(56) 2021
Efficiency of State Scientific and Technical Programs of 2016–2020 and Formation of New Programs for 2021–2025
A. Shumilin, S. Sherbakov
Formation of Indirect Incentive Mechanisms Within the Framework of the State Program for Innovative Development
A. Kosovskiy, S. Sobolevskiy, A. Belov
Methodological Approaches to Assessment of Business Reputation and Goodwill in Organizations of the Republic of Belarus
N. Mennanova
Justification of Parameters and Development of a Valve-Less Valve-Free Pneumatic Impact Mechanism of the Hammer
D. Abramenkov, A. Gruzin, V. Gruzin
Calculation of the Cost of Elements of Dismantled Building Structures for the Purposes of Cost Estimation, Merchandising Expertise and Insurance
P. Anufryieu, U. Makhitka
Application of Hypersonic Metallization Technology for Vehicle Parts Recovery
A. Chekulayeu, A. Sosnovsky, M. Belotserkovsky
Methodological Approach to Predicting the Level of Technical Perfection of Various Types of Technology Based on a Multiple Correlation Model
S. Savenko, U. Palchyk, A. Hrynkevich