BelISA    Editions    Abstract collection of unpublished works. Report on R&D projects
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Abstract collection of unpublished works. Report on R&D projects

Abstract collection of Non-Published works. Report on R&D projects

UDC 001.891.(047.31)
LBC 73 (047.31)
R 45

Abstract collection of unpublished works. Reports of R&D, OKR, OTR. — GU "BelISA". — Minsk.


The State Institution "Belarusian Institute for System Analysis and Information Support of the Scientific and Technical Sphere" (GU "BelISA") carries out state registration of research, development and experimental-technological works (R&D) and maintains the state R&D registry in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic Belarus dated May 25, 2006 No. 356 “On State Registration of Research, Development and Experimental and Technological Works”.

In addition, BelISA, in accordance with the order of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus dated November 27, 1997 No. 97-a, deposits manuscripts on natural, technical, medical, humanitarian and other sciences in order to familiarize scientific, scientific — research and design organizations, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, enterprises, scientists, scientists and specialists with manuscripts of scientific articles, monographs, materials of conferences, symposiums that are inappropriate to publish in the usual way, as well as with research reports and explanatory notes to OKR and OTR, accepted into the fund of scientific and technical documents of the state register of R&D.

State Institution "BelISA" publishes an abstract collection of non-published documents in order to familiarize organizations and specialists of the country with the results of completed R&D and deposited manuscripts.

The works in the collection are grouped under the headings of the Interstate rubricator of scientific and technical information. Abstracts are presented in the author's edition with minor changes.

Organizations, enterprises and citizens can familiarize themselves with the content of reports and explanatory notes to R&D by submitting an application to the GU "BelISA" indicating the corresponding numbers of state registration or deposited manuscript given in the collection. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that if the information card of the completed R&D indicates special conditions for the transfer of reporting information, the document is copied only after obtaining the consent of the executing organization.

To order a copy of the document, you must send a request using the form given in the appendix at the end of the collection to the address: Pobediteley Ave., 7, 220004, Minsk, State Institution "BelISA".

Tel. for inquiries: (+375 17) 203-67-87, 203-34-82, fax (+375 17) 203-34-82

Last update: 02.10.2020

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