BelISA    Editions    Registry of registered R&D. Registration Bulletin
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Registry of registered R&D. Registration Bulletin

Registry of registered R&D

UDC 001.891.(083.8)(476)
BBK 72.4c(4Bei)
R 33

The State Institution "Belarusian Institute for System Analysis and Information Support of the Scientific and Technical Sphere" (GU "BelISA") carries out state registration of research, development and experimental-technological works (R&D, R&D, OTR), as well as maintaining the state register in in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated May 25, 2006 No. 356 “On State Registration of Research, Development and Experimental and Technological Works” (as amended by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 22, 2009 No. 328).

State registration is subject to R&D (T)R, which are important for the implementation of the priorities of socio-economic development, the development of new technological processes, science-intensive, competitive products, the formation of promising scientific areas.

This publication is a list of research, development and development works included in the state register.

The works are arranged in the order of their registration and are presented in order by the registration number, the title of the work, the abbreviated name of the organization that performed this work, and a six-digit (four-digit) coding according to the State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (GRNTI).

For the convenience of finding the work of interest, the publication includes three additional index sections. The section "Index of executing organizations" contains detailed information about the executing organizations with contact details, the section "Deciphering the abbreviations of the forms of ownership of organizations" provides a list of abbreviations of the forms of ownership of organizations, and the section "List of research, development and development work Included in the State Register by SRSTI” offers information on works grouped by SRSTI up to the 2nd level inclusive in the form of state registration numbers.

Thus, the proposed guide will help, if necessary, to find the R&D(T)R of interest, both by state registration number and by certain areas of scientific activity.

The publisher would be grateful for your comments and suggestions aimed at improving the presentation of information, which will be taken into account in future editions of the registry. Send your comments to the address: 220004, Minsk, Pobediteley Ave., 7, tel. (017) 306-21-59, e-mail:

Register of registered R&D, R&D, OTR


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