Year of Quality
In order to further improve the quality of life of the Belarusian people, ensure the competitiveness of the national economy on the world stage, stimulate initiative, form responsibility in society for the results of their work and a sense of belonging to the future of the country, 2024 has been declared the Year of Quality. The corresponding Decree No. 375 dated November 27, 2023 was signed by the Head of State.
Within the framework of the Year of Quality, emphasis will be placed on increasing the competitiveness of Belarus through a careful and thoughtful attitude to resources, high-tech and energy-intensive projects, and the priority focus on qualitative indicators over quantitative ones. Efforts will be focused on ensuring quality indicators by encouraging proactive behavior, introducing rationalization ideas, strengthening social optimism in society, and the desire to build the common good. Priority attention will be given to the formation of personal responsibility among citizens for achieving a high quality of life (a sufficient level of income, timely medical examination, healthy nutrition, good education, cultural leisure).
Decree No. 375 of 27 November 2023
The republican action plan for holding the Year of Quality in 2024 has been approved
State quality mark established in Belarus
A competition has been announced for the Prize of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality in 2024
The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has announced a republican competition of creative works dedicated to the Year of Quality
The Regulation on the procedure for assigning the State Quality Mark was approved
Gosstandart approved instructions for assessing products applying for the State Quality Mark based on safety indicators