Fair of innovative developments "Medicine and Biotechnology" (November 15, 2023, Minsk)
On November 15, 2023, a fair of innovative developments “Medicine and Biotechnology” will be held in Minsk.
The event is held in order to ensure compliance with the norms of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of February 4, 2013 No. 59 "On the commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities created at the expense of public funds" and is aimed at the formation and development of connections between enterprises, organizations, scientific institutions and education, the use of advanced scientific, technical and innovative developments in the real sector of the economy.
Venue: Minsk, st. Akademicheskaya, 27, assembly hall of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Participation in the fair is free.
The fair starts at 11:00. Registration is from 10:30.
We invite authors of innovative developments from scientific organizations and educational institutions, innovatively active enterprises, representatives of government bodies and other organizations supervising issues of innovation, as well as investors, consumers and other interested parties to take part in the fair.
The event format is hybrid. Those who wish will be able to get acquainted with innovations and their authors not only in person, but also remotely — by connecting to the broadcast on the Internet platform (a connection link will be sent to the email addresses specified during registration).
Applications for participation for developers with descriptions of innovative projects (in Russian and English)must be sentbefore October 30, 2023inclusive to the email addressseminar@belisa.org.by. When providing information about innovative developments, we ask you to pay special attention to the presentation of developments created using budget funds and subject to mandatory commercialization (implemented within the framework of state, regional and industry scientific and technical programs, other government programs and individual innovative projects).
Interested participants mustcomplete online registration before November 13, 2023 or send an application using the attached form to the email address seminar@belisa.org.by.
On November 15, 2023, a fair of innovative developments "Medicine and Biotechnology" was held in Minsk, organized by the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and the state institution "Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of the Scientific and Technical Sphere" in order to ensure compliance with the norms of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated February 4, 2013 No. 59 "On the commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities created at the expense of public funds", the formation and development of connections between enterprises, organizations, scientific and educational institutions, the use of advanced scientific, technical and innovative developments in real sector of the economy.
The fair was opened by the director of the State Institution "BelISA", candidate of biological sciences Natalya Fedorovna Pavlova.
The director of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Pavel Mikhailovich Morozik addressed the event participants with a welcoming speech.
According to the program at the fair, innovative developments included in the Catalog of Innovative Developments (in Russian and English) were presented and demonstrated in the form of full-scale samples, exhibits, tasting products, instructions and monographs, 23 institutions and enterprises of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, republican ministries of health , education, industry, agriculture and food, State Military-Industrial Committee, LLC "MedInSoft" and "Noosphere Technologies", Kemerovo State Medical University (under a cooperation agreement with the scientific and educational center "Kuzbass", Russia), Republican Scientific -Practical Center for Pediatric Surgery and JSC BelVitunifarm.
Additional information on holding and participating in the fair can be obtained by calling: +375 (17) 203 13 19, +375 (17) 353 72 92, +375 (17) 353 74 08.