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Our coordinates

Address and contacts

State Organization «Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support for Scientific and Technical Sphere» (SO «BELISA») at the State Committee on Science and Technologies Republic of Belarus


Address: av. Pobeditelei 7, 220004,
Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Phone: +375 (17) 203-14-87
Fax: +375 (17) 203-34-75
  • Assistant Director for Information and Analysis — Victoria Supretko, phone: +375 (17) 203-14-87, +375 (17) 203-34-75
  • First Deputy Director-Deputy Director for Research – Pavlova Natalya, phone: + 375 (17) 226-74-98
  • Deputy director for international scientific and innovative work — Khvostova Olga, phone: + 375(17) 203-32-79
  • Deputy director of information technology head of the "digitalization office" — Bunin Ilya, phone: + 375(17) 203-69-35


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Last updates: 19.07.2024
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